The older I get, the less time I have to do my own things. If you track back my FLOG, I am suppose to shoot my next short film, but still haven't found the time to do it, and if I don't take the chance it will definately go away.
The thing is work took most of the time, and only leaving me enough for sometime to myself to relax, and for the family. Must try really hard to make more effort in executing things are close to my heart and passion. The little time I have did saw me indulge in some great movies, such as X-Men Origins : Wolverine, Star Trek, Taken and a few classics as well.
Suprisingly 'Taken' was pretty intense and enjoyable considering not much hype about it. Liam Neeson played well as the new action-man, worth checking it out. As for Wolverine and Star Trek...great entertainment!!!