Geez, where do I start...? My last post was in March 2008, and now we're in almost end August 2008. Time passes so fast and all you know it has been 6 months already. Well, been working most of the time, didn't really have much time for doing anything interesting of late.
I did stayed home and catch up on the X-Files series (Season 1-4), before heading to the cinema for the release of X-Files : I Want To Believe. After watching through season #1 & #2, I then only realize how a big fan I was...because I could practically remember all those episodes. That was spooky. The new film however, didn't have any of the trademark from the series, except focusing heavily on Mulder & Scully's relationship. The rest was just backdrop, nothing important. It's a very personal film, which only the hardcore fans will understand.
Batman : The Dark Knight, was impressive, having so many characters and good actors in a comic hero movie...was done with class. No doubt Heath played well as the Joker, I personally feel Michael Cain, Morgan Freeman and Harvey 2 Face were outstanding. Batman's love interest this time around, however made me miss Katie Holmes.